Because the people demand an update!

And by “people”, I mean one kind commenter on a previous post of mine. But it seemed like he was speaking for
Mouthing off into the void since 2018
And by “people”, I mean one kind commenter on a previous post of mine. But it seemed like he was speaking for
I’ve taken an interest lately in drawing and sketching. I think some long-buried seedling sprouted up from two different trees. First, I
It’s Sneak Peek Week for 2022, and I’ve been thinking the last several days about what I want from this new year.
These Rambling posts are starting to look about as sparse as my collection of journals. I have maybe, like, five or six
There’s a part of me that feels like the last two years are just one giant bug smear across the windshield, kinda
November marks year number ten … numero diez … numéro dix … since I took off my dinosaur floaties, plugged my nose,
In February 2018, Elon Musk launched a Falcon Heavy rocket into space and delivered a Tesla Roadster into orbit, complete with a
There are four days left in 2020. Talk to anyone who lived through this year (and there are far, far too many
Ever look back on a year and wonder where the heck all the time went? 2019 was a whirlwind of surprises and
Last month I published an article about writing and depression. It’s been a few weeks since then, so how do I feel
If I asked you to close your eyes and think about art, you’d probably conjure up images typically associated with the fine
After struggling with depression for years, I finally admitted to myself last month that I needed help. Several weeks ago, I fell
Saturday Morning9:15“Where are you going, Dad?”“I need to get some writing done.”“But we were gonna watch Recess together.” 10:15“All right guys, I’ve
The sky took a giant white dump on us, my friends, then farted negative thirty degree arctic winds right into our faces.
I’m not writing New Year’s resolutions this year. Not even going to think about them. Do I want to accomplish some stuff