Last month I published an article about writing and depression. It’s been a few weeks since then, so how do I feel now? In a word . . . TERRIFIC!
In the last three weeks, I wrote another story set in the Bordertown universe. It’s called The Keeper of Bordertown, sort of a mashup of Roland of Gilead + Jurassic Park + Stargate. Sort of? I dunno. It’s cool and I like it and it’ll be my June submission for Writers of the Future. I’m also counting it as one of the 52 Week Challenge stories. At some point in the next week or so I need to design the story cover and post the synopsis on my Challenge web page. I’ll get to it, I promise. Right now the story is with author Kate Karyus Quinn for a developmental / structural edit.
I also wrote a flash fiction story yesterday called Twenty Seconds Forward, a story about a man who can see twenty seconds into the future. A complete 900 word draft in a single day. I don’t think I’ve ever done that before. In fact, I’ve been averaging over a thousand words a day for the last several days, which is a record for me. Twenty Seconds will be another 52 Week Challenge story, and I’ll also get a cover and synopsis posted soon. I’m letting the story sit for a few days before I review it for a rewrite. I’m sending it to Flash Fiction Online first to see if they want it. After that, I’ll try Daily Science Fiction, or send it over to Charlie Finlay at Fantasy & Science Fiction Magazine.
Things are going well. I’m happier. I have a bit more energy. I’m excited about writing again and I’m getting some good ideas for stories. I’m watching what I eat and will hopefully get back into exercising again soon. The difference between now and where I was eight weeks ago is day and night.
I’m taking it a bit slower on the 52 Week Challenge. I probably bit off more than I could chew trying to write a new story every single week. With my work schedule and trying to build a house and all my other responsibilities, a story a week just isn’t feasible. So I’m slowing down and trying to get two or three stories drafted every month. That’s probably more realistic and will help me avoid the stress and risk of burning out again.
I’m back to feeling almost normal and I’m excited about writing and enjoying the process. It feels really good. Thanks and apologies to everyone who’s had to put up with me over the last few months. It’s been a rough ride. I’m hoping for some smooth sailing for at least the next little while.