Let the 52 Week Challenge Begin!

The gauntlet has been thrown — accept Ray Bradbury’s challenge to write 52 stories in 52 weeks. Deadlines are short. Priorities will compete. Life will definitely get in the way. Can I possibly come close by October 2019?

“Write a short story every week. It’s not possible to write 52 bad short stories in a row.”

—Ray Bradbury

I first heard about this challenge from my friend Phillip McCollum on the Writers of the Future Contest Forums. After reading what Phillip was doing, I was totally inspired. Now I want to try the same thing. To read more about Phillip’s experience and the tremendous success he had with the challenge, head on over to his website. You can also purchase his book, 52 Stories in 52 Weekswhich highlights the journey he made, what he learned, and how the challenge helped him grow as a writer.

This is where I’ll document my own experience trying to meet this challenge. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t just a little bit terrified. “How could writing stories be terrifying?” you might be asking. Well, let me tell you, writing the stories isn’t actually the terrifying part. The scary part is making the commitment to do it, knowing all the opposition I face ahead of me. It’s like David looking up into the that giant, bearded, battle-hardened face of Goliath and telling him, “Yeah. I’m here. What? You want somma this?” And then scooping a few pebbles from his sack and loading them into his sling. Time is going to be against me. Other priorities will stand in competition. Life will happen. So yes, trying to be successful and stay motivated in the face of all that is a little frightening.

So here we go. I’m going to spend the weekend getting myself all pumped up and ready. Oh yeah…here’s another challenge: I’m still writing my large story for Q1 2019 Writers of the Future. Phillip told me he just used his challenge stories to submit to the contest. Since I already have a LARGE story in the works, trying to fit 52 short stories in between is going to be tough. Excuses, excuses…I know. But hey, sometimes excuses are valid. Right?

So what do you think? Am I nuts? Are you excited? Fill up the Comments section and let me know.


6 thoughts on “Let the 52 Week Challenge Begin!

  1. Yes, you gotta be N-U-T-S, Morgan 😉 As in what the 101st Airborne commander defending an encircled Bastogne said when asked by the German army to surrender or die in 1944. That kinds of nuts!

    I am about to enter the same 52-in-52 arena…

    Your posts here and on DWS’s blog have galvanized me to do likewise. Followed the tail end of Phillip’s challenge this summer and now reading his 52 published stories (the version for authors.) Inspiring stuff, as I also watched that Ray Bradbury video he refers to.

    I will have a post up on my blog about the challenge tonight. Let’s cheer each other along this writer’s path.

    1. Sounds like a great plan, Mark, and thanks for stopping by. I started reading Phillip’s book last night. Can’t wait to see your progress and share in the fun!


    1. PHILLIP! Thanks for stopping by, man. I wouldn’t have even known about this challenge if it weren’t for you. Still trying to figure out the best week to start this challenge. Probably next week after the craziness of this week is gone — traveling for work and a backpacking trip; don’t want to set myself up for failure by saying this week, and then taking off for six days.


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