It’s been a while, hasn’t it? It’s nice to be back. Nice to see you here too. Thanks for coming around.
My last story, Margaret Miller Makes a Mookie, was published on November 26th. Yes, I realize it’s now one week to Christmas. I had to take some time off to put myself together and get a little R&R before I could write again. You can read more about that episode over in my Ramblings section.
This is another one of those stories you won’t be able to read, I’m afraid. Sucks, I know. But listen, the good news is some of these stories I’m writing in a week are actually pretty good. Good enough, I think, for some to go out into the world and find a home. I don’t know if they actually will or not. But once in a while, inspiration strikes and I write a story that I really like and I have to try, right? That’s what this is all about after all.
So . . . Jacob’s Ladder. It started with a visual of the story in the Bible. You know. Old Testament. Genesis. Come on now, kids, go read your Bible! And of course what’s the first thing I do when I get a visual in my head like that? I start asking myself, “What if . . . that story didn’t exactly happen the way the Bible says it did?” Et voila, there you have it. Morgan’s weird interpretation of how that Bible story might have played out if it happened today.
So I’ll fish this one around for a while and see if anyone bites. If not, I’ll bring it back here and post it. And for all those wondering what the heck ever happened to Constance Shepherd, yeah, she’s still out there in the markets looking for a home and a job. It usually takes about a month—sometimes two—to hear back about a story. And no simultaneous submissions means I can only send one story out to one magazine at a time.
So here’s the summary. Hey look, at least you get to relish the anticipation while you’re waiting this one out. Or ketchup it. Or mustard. Or some other dressing of your choice. Wipe your mouth, you’ve got a smidgen just . . . there.

Title: Jacob’s Ladder
Word Count: 1,000
Synopsis: Jacob deals with a myriad of emotions as he accepts an invitation from the visitors to climb the ladder into their ship.
Genre: Sci-fi First Contact
Completed: Week ending December 16, 2018
Way to hop back on the horse, Morgan! Best of luck with your submissions and Merry Christmas to you and your family!