This isn’t a story. I just want to be clear about that before you read it. I don’t think it’s really even part of a story. I think it might be a way into a story, the way hanging out on someone’s front porch isn’t really the same as going to someone’s house, but it’s a way into their house. You’re just sort of, well, hanging out.
I don’t remember if it was during one of my morning meditation sessions, or maybe late at night as I was drifting off to sleep. It could have even been some point in the middle of the night when I should have been sleeping (which is happening all too frequently these days it seems). No matter when it came to me, at some point this week the image of Bordertown popped into my mind. I like to think Inspiration saw I was ready for another story idea and decided to pay me a visit.
I wrote this exactly how I saw it, dictating word for word everything Inspiration showed me and whispered to me that night. I thought about developing Bordertown into a story this week, but I realized very quickly there was more here than I could possibly develop in a single week. I think there might be enough here for a novel. Maybe even a trilogy or a series of stories, all beginning and ending with our fourteen year old protagonist and his friends coming into Bordertown and deciding to stroll down one of those side streets that Inspiration warned him about.
At any rate, I don’t have time during this 52 week challenge to do much with Bordertown. Maybe some small vignettes will come to me over the next several months. Maybe not. I’ll keep my options open and see what happens. This week’s post is really just me heading up to the vantage point of that hill and spying out what I saw in the valley below. I’m here to report there’s something strange and wonderful and magical going on down in Bordertown. I’ll likely have to come back again with my friends—and whatever weapons we can scrounge up—and check the place out.

Title: Bordertown
Word Count: 850
Synopsis: Bordertown sits on the edge of every where and every when. It’s not a place you should visit alone, or unarmed.
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Completed: Week ending December 23, 2018
3 thoughts on “Story # 8 Intro for Bordertown”