
Here’s a list of all the stuff I’ve written over the years. If you want to read any of this, I’ve included links to the ones you can read for free on this website.

Some of these are still wandering the dark woods of the submission slush piles, looking for that stony path that might one day lead them to publication. Many have gotten lost out in those woods. The batteries to their flashlights died a long time ago, and their hair is full of brambles and spider webs now. They snare squirrels and possums for food, and have dysentery from drinking unfiltered stream water. But they’re still out there in the wilds, living.

I enjoyed writing all these stories although, admittedly, my opinion is probably biased. I hope you enjoy them too.

Micro Fiction – from my 2023 & 2024 Inktober Challenges
The Dream Swimmer
Spider Ninja
The Other Path
Dodge The Caravan
Golden Grillz
Things That Drip
Fortune Favors The …
Spicy Secret
Pink Light Rising
Siege of the Castle
Bargain Bin Dagger
(my personal favorite of the Inktober stories)
Sides of the Coin
Burgers and Bridles

Backpack (2024)

Scarecrow (2024)

Flash Fiction – from my 2018 Ray Bradbury Challenge
Constance Shepherd Used To Be Fat
Dearly Departed
Imago Island
Uncle Guido’s Magic Pipe
Margaret Miller Makes a Mookie
The Keeper of Bordertown
(the full-length, expanded version of this story placed as a semi-finalist in the Writers of the Future contest)
Jacob’s Ladder

Other Flash Fiction
Brown and Furry (2016)
Always an Escape Hatch
National Identity
Pretty Paper Packages
Rest Stop for Neptune
Twenty Seconds Forward

Trek (2024)

Short Stories
The Perfect Thieves (1980 – my very first recorded story!)
The Thin Line (2012)
Benefactor (2012)
Beware of Dog (2013)
Date Night (2014)
The Mammorilian (2015)
Memories with a Stranger (2016)
Kisses from Jupiter (2017)
Rifters (2017)
Correlia Miller’s Web (2017)
The Memory Drinkers (2017)
The Boy Who Cried Wolf (2018)

A Ribbon of Snakes (2012)
The Oneironaut
The Ice and the Ocean
The Fifth Law
The Boy Who Cried Wolf
Alexander and the Bounty of the Black Bugs
A Cure for Curiosity
Demise of the Deepstar Vagrant (2024)